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Going Green at Work

March 21, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Wherever you are, at work, on the road or at home, it would be a good idea to go green. This is especially true for those that have a business or an office. Home isn’t the only place where people are vulnerable. Below are a few tips that you can follow if you want to go green at your office.

1. The office printer. A lot of people will use the printer from the office to print useless stuff. Since people don’t pay for the ink or the paper, they think it’s OK to do it. But, if they realized how harmful that is for the environment, they would stop. Only print stuff that needs to be printed. Chances are that you will not recycle absolutely everything you print, so you are hurting the environment when you do that. Also, try printing on both sides of the paper.

2. Going and returning from work is the most common type of transport all over the world. You hurt the planet and you spend money on petrol at the same time. Instead, try carpooling. If the distance allows it, consider using a bike. Other options are using the subway, train or the bus. You will help the planet and save some money at the same time. You can use that extra time to listen to an audio book or to music while you’re commuting. Instead of driving through all that road traffic, relax on the way to and from work. One other option would be to video conference, if you really want to work.

3. Instead of a desktop, get a laptop. Laptops consume less energy when compared to desktops and they’re also portable. To realize how they compare, a laptop will need around 50w of energy, with desktops needing around 270. The power saving features of laptops are also better than those of desktops.

Traces of Radiation From Japanese Nuclear Plant Found in Seven States

March 21, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

As a result of the earthquake that hit Japan not so long ago, there is no doubt that the country has been limping back to normalcy, but what has added to the chaos is the consequent damage of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant that has now been found to have emitted radiation which has reached about seven states in the United States.

The states that have recorded traces of the said radiation are Alabama, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Alaska, Nevada, and Washington apart from the Pacific Islands of Guam, Saipan, and the Northern Mariana Islands.


In addition to these states, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts along with North and South Carolina have also registered low levels of radiation after the preliminary state testing was completed.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the radiation levels are low (also known as normal background) and not enough to threaten human life or health. Slightly higher radiation levels were detected in Montgomery, this is also where the radiation monitoring system under National Air and Radiation Environmental Laboratory is located.

Officials are not surprised with the readings due to the fact that the radiation was brought by winds moving from the west to the east.  With this said, radiation will definitely be detected by radiation monitors that are set up throughout the United States.

Is There Anything I Can Do For Global Warming

July 12, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

What is global warming? Why is it so scary? Global Warming is the effect of toxic green house gases, such as burnt fossil fuels, becoming trapped in our atmosphere. The green house effect keeps water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. in our lower atmosphere, regulating the temperature closer to the base of the atmosphere, and surface of earth. Now, fossil fuels among other gases we use, are being trapped in our atmosphere, and as a result of deforestation, it is not being cleaned out by nature at the same rate. As well as the gases nature would normally have cleaned out in the past.

Now I know, is there anything I can I do? The first step is, be frugal. We want to limit our usage of the the planets resources. Try to throw away as little as possible. Especially electricity! Take shorter showers, use compact florescent light bulbs. Weatherproof, and insulate your home.

Stop throwing things away. Using reusable items oppose to disposable. Natural items oppose to chemically made ones. Paper over plastic. Start a compost, and use that compost for all organic waste: eggshells, coffee grounds, etc. With that compost you can grow healthy vibrant plants.
Does growing plants help? Yes! growing plants native to your area helps the environment and air you breath, as well is limits water and energy usage. Try growing your own fruits and vegetables and save the cost of shipping those items to your local produce isle.

Reduce your fossil fuels. Use public transit, walk, switch to an ethanol or hybrid car. Inflate your tires, do what you can to increase your mileage. Lastly, if you have the money, consider buying solar panels, not only would this save money in the long run, but it may save your grandchildren, mother nature, and every animal you’ve ever went “aw” towards it’s existence.

Recycling For Profit

July 12, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

There is an effort afoot to encourage recycling. Most of it stems from environmental concerns, but many people have found out that it is possible to recycle for profit. The amount of revenue you can receive from recycling is totally dependent on your own efforts.

If you live in a state that has a redemption value placed on certain bottles and cans and all you do is merely recycle the empties you purchased at the grocery store you are not making profit – but merely getting reimbursed (remember you paid a deposit for those Coke cans). But if you actively search out empty bottles and cans – from your neighbors or along the roadside, anything you turn in to a recycling center is profit.

But recycling for profit doesn’t just mean bottles and cans. There are a number of items which can be recycled for cash. If you don’t mind digging around in your garage, basement or attic, you can collect scrap metal and sell it to local recycling centers. Most metals such as copper and aluminum can be recycled for cash. It’s all done by weight. So fill up the back of the pick-up and start earning money. If you are up for it, drive around the neighborhood and offer to remove your neighbor’s scrap metal as well.

Another less physical method to recycle for profit is by selling cell phones. However, not every cell phone can be recycled for profit. Locate a reputable cell phone recycling company – let them know what phone you have and if it’s one that has recycle value send it in – and they will buy it straight away.

Don’t forget recycling for profit can also mean selling your unwanted items through the Internet (Craig’s List, Ebay) or by holding a garage sale.

Tips On Going Green

July 12, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

One important action you can take to make an impact on our environment is to purchase items with less packaging. While it is true you can choose products with cartons that can be recycled, such as plastic or paper, it is even better to choose products that have little to no packaging in the first place. As you shop for fresh produce such as vegetables and fruits, take along your own green bags. These are reusable bags that prevent fruits and veggies from spoiling as fast. Wash the green bag after use and use up to 10 times per bag. As you purchase other items, keep in mind which ones contain the least harmful packaging and which ones use less of it. You’ll be doing our landfills service by shopping consciously.

To extend your eco-friendliness even further, shop at natural health food stores such as co-ops and other grocery stores that specialize in health food, local food or organic food. Here, you can fill your own containers from home with dried goods such as lentils, beans and other staples. This also reduces the amount of packaging used and it is often made locally and organically, which is a positive for both you and the earth.

Shopping at health food stores also allows you to “vote with your dollars”. It is a common phrase that refers to the economy reflecting where you are spending. If you shop at major grocery stores that are globally dangerous, then that is what will be mass produced. However, if you decide to use your money to purchase goods that are eco-friendly in practice, this will reflect upon the economy as well. Choose products that are made with less preservatives, less packaging and less dyes. While it may be more expensive now, it is more beneficial to humans and the earth in the long run.

For further reading, we recommend this article on Green removals.