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Myths about Air-Conditioners
Misinformation can lead to wastage and air-conditioning is one such subject that you can be better educated on. · Set it lower, it will cool faster – This is entirely false. Setting your thermostat to a lower temperature than the one you want, just because you want it to cool faster, will achieve nothing. Depending on the size of the room, your air-conditioner will take a certain... [Read more]
The Hazards of Residential Open Burning
Residential open burning refers to the act of burning anything on the outdoor premises of a private family home, such as in the garden or backyard. Unlike chimneys, enclosed burn chambers or smokestacks, open burning allows smoke to rise freely, thus contaminating air and posing risks for air pollution. While there are country as well as state laws that protect the environment against impractical burning... [Read more]
Benefits of an artificial grass lawn
The benefits of getting an artificial grass lawn are endless. One can talk about how longer lasting it is, how much more wear and tear it can take, and so on and so forth. However, in terms of how it looks, it is just as good (or even better) than an actual grass lawn. The biggest differentiator is maintenance, and especially for folks who don’t have the time (corporate America) or the energy (like... [Read more]
Getting Rid of the Stockpile Mentality
Today, a good number of people are appreciating the benefits of recycling paper, plastic and other materials. But, if there was one thing we could not bring ourselves to recycle, it would be tires. Enter stockpiles, which is a metaphor for how the rest of the world behaves (read: procrastination) around the idea of re-creating a greener place to live in. Stockpiles of tires lie around in scrap yards... [Read more]
Why Should you Recycle?
Sometimes, when you have been doing something for a long time, it is easy to forget why you are doing what you are doing. Recycling is one such thing. Most of us probably do it because “it is the right thing to do”. Well here’s a reminder of why exactly we all should recycle. 1. Economy – Recycling sends back valuable raw material to the manufacturing industry. By doing this,... [Read more]
Give us your Clothes
Clothes are often one of the most overlooked items for recycling. Most of us either give them to our younger siblings or throw them away. If you want to put a figure to the wastage try 190,000 tons. That’s how much of clothes end in New York landfills alone. That is a shame if you think about it. Clothes can be recycled or even given away to charity. New York City is trying to do something positive... [Read more]
Bag Company in Trouble
Biodegradable plastic bags seem to be the solution thus far for part of the plastic problem. In Australia, Goody Environment claimed to have hit upon that solution and vigorously promoted its product. Al seemed to be going well, until now. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is taking Goody Environment and its distributor NuPak to courts over false claims. The commission claims that... [Read more]
Deadly lead in Nigerian village
One hundred and sixty three. That is the number of lives that were lost before any action was taken to save a village from lead poisoning in Nigeria. What is worse is that children began to die of the toxic lead in January and only now is anything being done about it. The Blacksmith Institute is an environmental engineering organization and is a global leader in cleaning up polluted sites. They were... [Read more]
Good News on Waste Emissions
A Brussels based European Environment Agency (EEA) report has delivered some good news in relation to European waste emission levels. The 634 page report gives an overview of the period ranging from 1990 to 2007 and enables all interested parties to understand the situation at hand. European waste accounts for 2.6 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions and over the seventeen year period analyzed,... [Read more]
Recycling Ipods and Mobile Phones
Recycling a mobile phone or any other gadget that you are no longer using is far better than just throwing it away or leaving it lying around. The first benefit, which is the most obvious, is to get some money in return for your old, unused mobile phone. The newer models will bring you more money. Choosing to recycle your old IPod is clearly a way of helping the environment. Even if your mobile phone... [Read more]